Sweet Potato

Ipomoea batatas

April - June

Production Calendar

10 Hectares

Cultivated Area

General Information

The sweet potato, also known as “batata” or “American sweet potato,” is a vegetable belonging to the Convolvulaceae family.

Characterized by an elongated or oval shape, the sweet potato has an outer skin that can vary from white to yellow, orange, and even purple. This tuber is widely appreciated for its sweet taste and versatility in cooking, suitable for both sweet and savory dishes.

Nutritional Information

It mainly contains complex carbohydrates, but the portion of simple sugars is still significant. The glycemic index of the sweet potato is quite high, making it less suitable for the diet of diabetics and obese individuals. Proteins are not very significant, and even less so are the fats. However, it is rich in fiber, making it suitable for the diet of those suffering from constipation. Regarding minerals, the sweet potato is rich in potassium and manganese, while in terms of vitamins, it provides a good amount of Vitamin B6 and an extraordinary content of Vitamin A.

Pak Choi Cooperativa agricola Sotea Sabaudia

Production Cycle

Sweet potatoes represent a niche product cultivated exclusively in open fields, covering an area of approximately 10 hectares. Harvesting begins in the second decade of August and ends in November. Transplanting is done between May and June, and the cultivation cycle lasts about 120-150 days. The product is harvested loose in the field and then transferred to the processing center, where it undergoes sorting and packaging into disposable wooden crates or reusable plastic crates.

The product is sold at Italian retail platforms and major national markets. Transportation is carried out by specialized transport companies via land routes.

Technical Data

Properties (per 100 g):
Calories: 28 kcal – Water: 86g – Proteins: 0.8g – Carbohydrates: 7.5g – Fiber: 2g – Potassium: 203mg – Calcium: 137mg – Phosphorus: 29mg

Cultivated Area:
10 hectares

Packaging Type:
Disposable Wooden Crates
Reusable Plastic Crates

Processing Type:
Bulk processed in Warehouse

Proprietà (100 g): 

Calorie 28 kcal  – Acqua 86g – Proteine 0,8g – Carboidrati 7,5g – Fibre 2g – Potassio 203mg – Calcio 137mg – Fosforo 29mg

Superficie coltivata:

10 ettari

Tipo di imballaggio:

Legno a perdere
Plastica riutilizzabile

Tipo di lavorazione

Sfuso lavorato in Magazzino

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