Daucus Carota
November - May
Production Calendar
40 Hectares
Cultivated Area
General Information
Carrot is a vegetable belonging to the botanical family Apiaceae. The plant is resistant to low temperatures and can therefore be cultivated even in winter. This tuberous root is characterized by a conical or cylindrical shape and a color ranging from white to yellow and orange, thanks to the presence of carotenoids, especially beta-carotene.
Nutritional Data
Rich in beta-carotene, carrots promote eye health and support the immune system. They also contain vitamins B, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium and manganese. The antioxidants present protect cells from free radicals, while the fiber contributes to digestive health and weight control.

Production Cycle
Carrot production takes place during the cold months of the year with harvests from November to May. The cultivated area covers 40 hectares, including 10 hectares in greenhouses and 30 hectares in open fields.
In the months of March and April, greenhouse carrots are harvested, while in other months, carrots are produced in open fields. The production schedule includes field sowings in August/September for harvests from November to December; greenhouse sowings in October/November for February/March harvests; field sowings in the period December/February for April/May harvests.
The cultivation cycle varies depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and photoperiod. The maturation cycle is approximately 60/90 days for summer and spring sowings and about 120/150 days for autumn and winter sowings.
Carrots are manually harvested and packaged in bunches directly in the field and then transferred in bins to the processing center where they undergo washing and packaging in wooden or reusable plastic crates.
Technical Data
Properties (100 g):
Water 90g – Carbohydrates 7.6g – Vitamin C 4mg – Potassium 220mg – Magnesium 12mg – Calcium 44mg – Sodium 95mg.
Cultivated Area:
40 hectares
Packaging Type:
Disposable Wood Reusable Plastic
Processing Type
Packaged in bunches in the field
Bunches are washed in the warehouse and packaged loose in wooden/plastic crates or Flowpack.
Proprietà (100 g):
Acqua 90g – Carboidrati 7,6g – Vitamina C 4mg – Potassio 220 mg – Magnesio 12mg – Calcio 44mg – Sodio 95mg.
Superficie coltivata:
40 ettari
Tipo di imballaggio:
Legno a perdere
Plastica riutilizzabile
Tipo di lavorazione
Confezionati in mazzi in campagna
I mazzi vengono lavati in magazzino e confezionati sfuse in imballaggi legno/plastica o Flowpack